Aerial photo of outside of the Graduate School building on campus, home to the Office of 研究.



Federally funded research requires the reporting of foreign activities that constitute other support, 外国零件, and a conflict of interest in addition to the reporting of Significant Financial Conflict of Interests. 为了防止科学, 预算, 或者承诺重叠, this disclosure requires full transparency of all research activities both domestic and foreign and are instrumental to protect the integrity of research sponsored by the U.S. 政府. 不披露可能会招致联邦审查, 危及资金或职业机会,并可能导致法律起诉.

因此,接受美国政府资助的大学员工.S. 敦促政府, 用最严厉的措辞, 披露有关任何和所有其他支持的信息, 外国零件, 或者当前和待处理的支持, 无论是通过组织提供还是直接提供给个人, 还有所有需要时间承诺的项目和活动.

The form to be used for reporting foreign interests to NIH in new and renewal applications and progress reports can be found 在这里.

The form to be used for reporting foreign interests in NSF applications can be found 在这里.  注:NSF表格预计将于2020年10月5日更改. 直到新表格得到国家科学基金会的批准, proposers should continue to prepare the current document in accordance with guidance specified in the PAPPG (NSF 20-1).


2019年7月10日,美国国立卫生研究院发布 通知编号no - od -19-114  它应被用来协助履行报告义务.


国家卫生研究院的定义 其他支持 as all resources made available to a researcher in support of and/or related to all of their research endeavors, 不管它们是否有货币价值 and regardless of whether they are based at the institution the researcher identifies for the current grant. This includes resource and/or financial support from all foreign and domestic entities, 包括但不限于, 对实验室人员的财政支持, 并提供非免费提供的高价值材料(例如.g.生物、化学、模型系统、技术等.).
1. List all positions and scientific appointments both domestic and foreign held by senior/key personnel that are relevant to an application including affiliations with foreign entities or 政府s. 这包括标题为学术的, 专业, 或机构任命,不论是否获得报酬, 是否全职, 兼职, 或自愿(包括辅助), 参观, 或荣誉).

2. Report all resources and other support for all individuals designated in an application as senior/key personnel – including for the program director/principal investigator (PD/PI) and for other individuals who contribute to the scientific development or execution of a project in a substantive, 可测量的方式, 无论他们是否要求工资或补偿. 必须提供对正在进行的项目的所有当前支持的信息, irrespective of whether such support is provided through the applicant organization, 通过另一个国内或国外组织, or is provided directly to an individual that supports the senior/key personnel’s research efforts.

3. 报告当前所有涉及高级/关键人员的项目和活动, 即使收到的支持只是实物(e).g. 办公室/实验室空间、设备、用品、员工). 所有研究资源包括, 但不限于, 国外金融支持, 研究或实验室人员, 实验室的空间, 科学的材料, 选择国外“英才”或类似项目, 或其他国外或国内的支持必须报告.

4. Provide the total award amount for the entire award period covered (including facilities and administrative costs), as well as the number of person-months (or partial person-months) per year to be devoted to the project by the senior/key personnel involved.


NIH requires recipients to determine whether activities it supports include a foreign component, defined as “the existence of any “significant scientific element or segment of a project” outside of the United States, 换句话说:

1. 研究人员或接受者在国外的工作表现, 是否使用NIH拨款和/或

2. performance of work by a researcher in a foreign location employed or paid for by a foreign organization, 是否使用NIH拨款基金.
If a recipient determines that a portion of the project will be conducted outside of the U.S., the recipient then will need to determine if the activities are considered significant. 如果两个条件都满足,那么就存在一个外部组件. 要帮助了解可能被认为重要的内容,请访问 国家卫生研究院的常见问题.
If an activity does not meet the definition of foreign component because all research is being conducted within the United States, 但有一个非美国.S. 支持调查人员和/或研究人员进行研究的资源, 它必须作为其他支持报告.


Foreign influence must be disclosed at the time an application is submitted and prior to award using “Just-in-Time Procedures.” 研究ers are also responsible for promptly notifying NIH of any substantive changes to previously submitted Just-in-Time information up to the time of award. 如果有其他支持, 如上所述, 是在最初的NIH奖励期之后获得的, from any source either through the institution or directly to senior/key personnel, the details must be disclosed in the annual research performance progress report. Post-award, recipients must address any substantive changes by submitting a prior approval request to NIH in accordance with the NIHGPS section on “Administrative Requirements—Changes in Project and Budget—NIH Standard Terms of Award.”



Current and pending support information must be separately provided for each individual designated as senior personnel on the proposal. Current and pending support includes all resources made available to an individual in support of and/or related to all of his/her research efforts, 不管它们是否有货币价值. Current and pending support also includes in-kind contributions (such as office/laboratory space, 设备, 供应, 员工, 学生. In-kind contributions not intended for use on the project/proposal being proposed also must be reported.

Current and pending support information must be provided for the proposed project, 对于正在进行的项目, 以及目前正在考虑的任何提议, irrespective of whether such support is provided through the proposing organization or is provided directly to the individual.

The total award amount for the entire award period covered (including indirect costs) must be provided, as well as the number of person-months (or partial person-months) per year to be devoted to the project by the individual.

Links to other Institutions of Higher Education Foreign Influence websites/guidance
